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Live & eat in Singapore 住、食在新加坡

先看看它的動物住得好不好? 新加坡動物園被譽為全球最具特色的動物園之一,園內有超過3,600種鳥獸。園林設計十分精緻,身處其間,彷彿是在畫中游, 你可以近距離跟它們打招呼。Animals live well here.

新加坡住是非常貴的,租一個公寓需要幾千美元,最好住朋友的,吃朋友的。The rent for a condo is several thousand US dollars.

我們有幸可以免費借住在一個半獨立的房子,有免費的女傭。聽到說這房子值難以置信的4百萬美元。還好附近的大排檔,吃東西價格不貴(見下面菜單)。Email流傳: "到了新加坡才知道,路邊的芒果是沒有人敢摘的", 正好房子前有一棵芒果樹, 不是不敢摘, 是樹太高。Below shows some scenes of Yio Chu Kang. We were told that the semi-detached house(first 3 pictures) costed unbelievable 4 million US dollars.

Click to see more Singapore pictures

如果要吃到便宜又好的原生態水果、美味海鮮, 新加坡人可以北上通過海峽,到達對岸(見上面地圖白色地區)。 Go to next post: 食、住在馬來西亞 Eat & Live in Malaysia

Compare to the past, please watch Singapore in the 60's. Below cover photo is Raffles Hotel:

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Original title: Crazy Rich Asians Destinations for Non-rich
Traveling 2011 & before posts were reposted from Travels in China & Southeast Asia
Some 2019 tours were reposted from facebook.

2019 Singapore & Malaysia 新馬之旅 (12 posts):
(1) Arriving at Changi Airport of Singapore 新加坡機場; (2) Staying at Marina Bay Sands 金沙酒店
(3) Gardens by the Bay 濱海灣花園; (4) Eating & sightseeing in Singapore 飲食和觀光
(5) Local food in Singapore & Malaysia;(6) Hotel Indigo Singapore Katong 加東區
(7) Before reaching Rawa Island 拉瓦島; (8) Rawa Island (Pulau Rawa) 拉瓦島
(9) Leaving Rawa to Kuala Lumpur 吉隆坡; (10) Visiting KL (Kuala Lumpur) 吉隆坡
(11) Eating durian at Malacca (Melaka) 馬六甲
(12) Entering JB (Johor Bahru) 新山
2018 Preview: Travel to Crazy Rich Asians Destinations 新馬之旅; Real story, illegal history 真實故事, 非法歷史
2013 Visiting Sabah 沙巴
2012 快樂的新加坡 Singapore; Live & eat in Singapore 住、食在新加坡
2012 Eat & Live in Malaysia 食、住在馬來西亞
2011 Tours to Asia 59天走透透
2008 Kuching (古晉) Tour
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