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Preview 2018: Travel to Crazy Rich Asians Destinations 新馬之旅

最近去看了好萊塢電影Crazy Rich Asians, 是以全亞裔演員演出, 一上映就票房開出紅盤, 其劇情夢幻有趣, 場面是那麼瘋狂和奢糜, 尤其是新加坡這2個華麗景點: 濱海灣金沙飯店(Marina Bay Sands)和濱海灣花園(Gradens by the Bay)。
在電影中, 很多景點是在馬來半島及Langkawi島拍攝的。The Rawa Island is featured in 'Crazy Rich Asians' movie but they did not shoot it there because of the cost. 在銀幕上略微呈現Rawa Island,它位於東海岸外南海,不發達的地方, 但那裡的島更自然。In 2019, we went there and stayed in the stilt house (高腳屋) at farthest left side (below 1st picture).
另外如 Tioman Island 曾經被用作1958年電影“南太平洋”的背景,而時代雜誌將其命名為70年代世界上最美麗的島嶼之一。Second picture is the original post of Tioman Island in 2018. 男主角 Henry Golding小時候曾住過東海岸, 他真的母親是伊班族(原是獵頭族), 少數伊班族遷移到馬來半島居住, 我們曾在海邊向他們買魚

電影最主要的是男主角的阿嬤的家, Tyersall Park, 是一座新加坡市中心植物園旁的豪宅莊園。 網上說這地方以後會提到更多, 是由誰繼承呢? 這地方是作者虛構的嗎?它是一個真實的地方,但大多數人都不知道它的故事。 它是現代柔佛王國的首任蘇丹, 和王后黃亞嬌(現任蘇丹2012年證實她是Sultanah Fatimah)建的王宮Istana Tyersall, 蘇丹在這裡曾接受光緒皇帝的一等一級金質雙龍寶星勳章。 為什麼柔佛開國蘇丹會在新加坡建立王宮? 請看下面非法歷史
過去幾年我們曾到過一些拍攝地點旅遊,下面我repost一些過去的圖片和視頻,說明你不需要很有錢crazy rich去那裡。不好意思, 早年我多用英文寫的, 貼的圖片很不齊全, 但有Links, 有興趣可以繼續看。

Real story, illegal history 真實故事, 非法歷史

In 1905, a big fire broke out at Istana Tyersall. Below are the Tyersall Park in the movie and the old picture of Istana Tyersall. In the movie, a luxury hotel (Carcosa Seri Negara of the two colonial mansions) located at Perdana Botanical Gardens in Kuala Lumpur were used to film the interior and exterior of Tyersall Park. A lake was digitally added to the estate grounds.
1905年 Istana Tyersall 被大火燒毀, 以下是電影中的 Tyersall Park 和 Istana Tyersall 的舊照片。 在電影中,是用吉隆坡Perdana植物園的豪華酒店(Carcosa Seri Negara,兩座殖民地豪宅組成)來拍攝Tyersall Park 的內部和外部, 湖泊是以電腦加入。

History of Tyersall Park 的歷史:
(English Translated from Chinese below):
In 1824, the British and the Dutch signed a secret treaty that divided the Kingdom of Johor into two: Johor mainland(including Singapore) under British control; Riau archipelago (including Lingga islands) under Dutch control and later part of Indonesia. In 1855, Sultan Ali and the British signed a treaty to hand over peninsular Johor's rule to Temenggung Ibrahim.
In 1858, the Temenggung's son, Abu Bakar (also known as Albert Baker), moved the Johor government office in Singapore to Tanjung Puteri (means Princess Cape, now known as Johor Bahru) on the south bank of Johor. In 1885, he became the first Sultan of the Johor Temenggong Dynasty and married Wong Ah Gew. He named her the Sultanah Fatimah in 1886 and named Muar as Bandar Maharani in 1887. He also decided that it was time to build a new palace in Singapore to commemorate his ascension.
Before Abu Bakar had bought the estate Tyersall Park next to the Singapore Botanic Gardens. Based upon the design according to the wishes of his wife, he employed the service of his long-time acquaintance Wong Ah Fook to build the palace Istana Tyersall. It was completed in 1892, however, Wong Ah Gew had passed away in 1891. The palace was officially declared open by the Governor of the Straits Settlements. It was the first building in Singapore to be supplied with electricity. At same year in here, Abu Bakar received the First Class of the First Grade of the Order of the Double Dragon by the Guangxu Emperor of China.
1824年, 英國與荷蘭簽署秘密條約,把柔佛王國一分為二: 柔佛本土(包括新加坡)歸英國人管; 廖內群島(包括林加群島)歸荷蘭人管, 後來屬於印尼。 1855年, 蘇丹阿里與新加坡的英國人簽署條約,同意將柔佛半島統治權交給天猛公伊布拉欣。
1858年, 天猛公的兒子阿布峇卡(Abu Bakar, 也稱Albert Baker), 把位於新加坡的柔佛政府辦事處,遷到柔佛南岸的公主海角(現稱新山)。 1885年, 他登基為柔佛王朝第一任蘇丹, 並和黃亞嬌(Wong Ah Gew)結婚。 1886年, 封她為蘇丹王后(Sultanah Fatimah)。 1887年,命名柔佛麻坡為香妃城。 他也決定是時候在新加坡建造一座新的王宮來紀念了。
阿布峇卡之前買下了新加坡植物園旁的Tyersall Park, 根據妻子的意願設計, 並由他的密友黃亞福(Wong Ah Fook)承建王宮Istana Tyersall, 於1892年建成。 但是黃亞嬌已經於1891年去世了。王宮由海峽殖民地總督正式宣布開幕,它是新加坡第一座提供電力的建築。同年阿布峇卡在這裡, 接受光緒皇帝的一等一級金質雙龍寶星勳章。

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Original title: Crazy Rich Asians Destinations for Non-rich
Traveling 2011 & before posts were reposted from Travels in China & Southeast Asia
Some 2019 tours were reposted from facebook.

2019 Singapore & Malaysia 新馬之旅 (12 posts):
(1) Arriving at Changi Airport of Singapore 新加坡機場; (2) Staying at Marina Bay Sands 金沙酒店
(3) Gardens by the Bay 濱海灣花園; (4) Eating & sightseeing in Singapore 飲食和觀光
(5) Local food in Singapore & Malaysia;(6) Hotel Indigo Singapore Katong 加東區
(7) Before reaching Rawa Island 拉瓦島; (8) Rawa Island (Pulau Rawa) 拉瓦島
(9) Leaving Rawa to Kuala Lumpur 吉隆坡; (10) Visiting KL (Kuala Lumpur) 吉隆坡
(11) Eating durian at Malacca (Melaka) 馬六甲
(12) Entering JB (Johor Bahru) 新山
2018 Preview: Travel to Crazy Rich Asians Destinations 新馬之旅; Real story, illegal history 真實故事, 非法歷史
2013 Visiting Sabah 沙巴
2012 快樂的新加坡 Singapore; Live & eat in Singapore 住、食在新加坡
2012 Eat & Live in Malaysia 食、住在馬來西亞
2011 Tours to Asia 59天走透透
2008 Kuching (古晉) Tour
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